Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Persuasive poem for swimming between the flags by Leila

I was swept out to sea
exhausted and gasping for air
weak and  struggling
as the rip recklessly pushed me
further and further away from the beach,
and then
I saw the heroic watchful lifeguard
paddling towards me
I woke up in a hospital bed
with the doctor examining me
I had taken in a lot of water
And sprained an ankle .
I hobbled back to the lifeguard tower

Persuasive poem on animal cruelty by Mia

If you care about animals
 then stop caging animals,
fighting animals against each other,
starving animals and greyhound racing
We need them and they need us
So please help stop animal cruelty.

My legs scarred in pain and terror
My ears and
tail in blisters, infection
Pussy sores that ooze when scratched
from cropping when I was a pup
My body itches like slow torture of pinpricks
My mother died from slow agonizing
and ache of starvation
And I will be next
My ribs and bones rub against my skin
The collar scores my neck like wood gradually
being cut with a blunt knife
The inside of my neck like a desert
 with no oasis or rain

Ways to help
1.Please donate to the RSPCA or any facility that helps animal and dogs
2. Please adopt a greyhound or rescue dog if you’re looking for a pet