Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Mia Week 16

This week's stimulus was the word SUDDENLY

“Hello there, do you know what day it is today?Today I’m going to get my pet……eagle”.
“Honey are you ready it’s time to go?”
“Coming mum”.
“Yay we’re here!”
“Awwwwwwww, she’s sooooooooo cute, I’m going to name you Predator”.
Time passes
“Now that you're big and strong,I'm going to ride you OK?”
 “Predator fly! Wow this is amazing woohoo”.
“Good girl”.
The next day
“Morning Predator. did you have a good rest
 I did.
Are you ready to have another try at flying with me on your back?
“Fly Predator!”
“Whoo,steady girl!”
Suddenly Predator dropped...


  1. Mia I love the idea of being able to ride an eagle and fly, sounds so exciting! Except for the ending of your story where it sounds like Predator is having some trouble flying with a passenger. What a great way to use the prompt and wonderful imagination; a very fun story of fantasy.

  2. Writing a story with just 'conversations' to carry it is quite hard as a lot of the imagery is in the surrounding text. You have done a good job in carrying the story, but time travelled a bit quick for me and I know of no eagle that would carry a person (except those condors in Diego/Dora cartoons). I love the idea of flying on an eagle but I needed some more grounding to believe it. Good job though
